Fastest possible delivery

From direct delivery to personally accompanied transport (on-board-courier) to air charter.
Simply the fastest and most flexible mode of transport.

  • Direct Transport
  • On-Board-Courier
  • Air Charter
Direct Transport

We deliver your shipment to the receiver by direct transport (as quickly as possible). Within a matter of hours, without a hub. Door-door. Maximum speed and direct without any delay.


Our service for extremely urgent documents and goods which must arrive „instantly“. A personally accompanied next-flight-out service. System independent and with access to all airlines we achieve the shortest possible deliverytimes – in Europe and anywhere in the world.


The fastest and most flexible transport mode. Independent from scheduled flights and not subject to the cancellations and delays of commercial flights. Through our cooperation partners and using local suppliers we have access to a wide range of cargo aircraft worldwide. From two-seated propeller planes to cargo jets. Precise planning. Absolutely individual timing. Global reach.